Writings on Dance

issue 20

Dancing comes from the land - 2000

Indigenous and non-indigenous perspectives on Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dance and other cultural practices. 106pp.


Language and Traditional Dance, Performing in Public Schools - Guruwun Yunupingu / Aboriginal Theatre: does sold out mean selling out? - John Scott / Charles Messey, Murray Island Dancers, 'Mixtures at the Mart', May Day Performance, Brown's Mart Community Theatre - Tania Lieman / Dance the land, the land dances through us - Franca Tamisari / Art from the Heart: transcript of discussion from 'Arts Today' - ABC Radio National / Dance and the Ancestral Landscape - Naomi Smith / Intellectual Property and Copyright in Dance Collaboration: transcript of a discussion from 'Awaye' - ABC Radio National / Intellectual Property and Indigenous Dance Issues - Terri Janke / The Fire Ceremony: For a Cultural Future - Eric Michaels

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